Publications (Google Scholar page)
Peer-reviewed journal articles
14. Zhang, Y., J. Rowland, C. Xu, Phillip J. Wolfram, Z. Cao, M. Marani, A. D’Alpaos, D. Svatsky, & D. Moulton. (2020). Understanding the eco-geomorphologic feedback of coastal marsh under sea level rise: vegetation dynamic schemes, processes interaction, and parametric sensitivity. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface. doi: 10.1029/2020JE006531.
13. Cao, Z., P. Wolfram, J. Rowland, Y. Zhang, and D. Pasqualini. (2020). A Data-driven Approach to Predict Sediment Settling Velocity. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. 146 (10), 04020067
12. Guo, L., W. Tao, B. Fan, I. Hopkins, Y. Zhang, Q. Wang, & H. Lin. (2020). Soil micro-climate variation in relation to slope aspect, position, and curvature in a forested catchment. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, v290, 107999
11. Hanson, P., A. Stillman, X. Jia, Y. Zhang, A. Karpatne, H. Dugan, and J. Read. (2020). Predicting lake surface water phosphorus dynamics using process-guided machine learning. Ecological Modeling. 430, 109136
10. Ladwig, R., P. Hanson, H. Dugan, C. Carey, Y. Zhang, L. Shu, and C. Duffy. (2020). Lake thermal structure drives inter-annual variability in summer anoxia dynamics in a eutrophic lake over 37 years. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. 1-45
9. Zhang, Y., W. Li, G. Sun, & J. King. (2019). Coastal Wetland Resilience to Climate Variability: A Hydrological Perspective. Journal of Hydrology. 568, 275-284
8. Zhang, Y., W. Li, G. Sun, G. Miao, A. Noormate, & J. King. (2018). Understanding coastal wetland hydrology with a new regional-scale, process-based hydrological model. Hydrological Processes. 32:3158–3173.
7. Ward, N., L. Fitchett, JA. Hart, L. Shu, J. Stachelek, W. Weng, Y. Zhang, H. Dugan et al. (2018). Integrating fast and slow processes is essential for simulating human–freshwater interactions. Ambio. 1-14.
6. Cobourn, K. M., C. C. Carey, K. J. Boyle, C. Duffy, H. A. Dugan, K. J. Farrell, A. R. Kemanian, L. G. Rudstam, L. Shu, K. C. Weathers, .... and Y. Zhang (alphabet order). (2018). From concept to practice to policy: modeling coupled natural and human systems in lake catchments. Ecosphere 9(5):e02209.
5. Zhu, J., G. Sun, W. Li, Y. Zhang, G. Miao, A. Noormets, & X. Wang. (2017). Modeling the Potential Impacts of Climate Change on the Hydrology of Selected Forested Wetlands in the Southeastern United States. Hydrology and Earth System Science, 21(12): 6289-6305.
4. Zhang, Y., R. Slingerland, and C. Duffy. (2016). Fully-coupled hydrologic processes for modeling landscape evolution, Environmental Modelling & Software, 82:89-107.
3. Yu, X., C. Duffy, Y. Zhang, G Bhatt, and Y Shi. (2016). Virtual experiments guide calibration strategies for a real watershed application of coupled surface-subsurface modeling, Journal of Hydrologic Engineering. 21(11): 1-11
2. Zhang, Y., S. Yang, W. Ouyang, H. Zeng, M. Cai. (2010). Applying multi-source remote sensing data on estimating ecological water requirement of grassland in ungauged region. Procedia Environmental Sciences, 2:953-963.
1. Zeng, H., S. Yang, Y. Gao, H. Ma, D. Zheng, Y. Zhang. (2008). Soil Erosion Analysis of Beichuan County after Earthquake Based on Coupling Model of Repository and Spatial Information, Journal of Remote Sensing, 12(6):908-916.
Peer-reviewed journal articles – Under review
1. Zhang, Y., R. Slingerland, C. Duffy, N. West, & H. Li. (under review). Spatial Variation of Morphological Diffusivity: An Insight into Landscape Asymmetry of Susquehanna Shale Hills Critical Zone, Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface.
2. Liu, B., X. Yu, Z. Xu, D. Moraetis, N. Nikolaidis, F. Schwartz, Y. Zhang, L. Shu, and C. Duffy. (under review). Coupled surface-subsurface flow modeling of fresh groundwater discharge to regional coasts. Advances in Water Resources.
In preparation
Zhang, Y., C. Duffy, L. Shu, & G. Bhatt. (in prep). Characterizing the seasonal and interannual variation of the catchment-lake hydrologic connectivity in a North Template Lake-catchment system with a coupled surface-subsurface land-lake model
Zhang, Y., R. Slingerland, C. Duffy, T. White, & Y. Shi. (in prep). Water-regolith-energy Interaction in Landscape Evolution and Its Influence on Forming Asymmetric Landscape: An Example from the Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory of Central Pennsylvania.
1. Zhang, Y., (March 2016). Fully-coupled hydrological processes for modeling the landscape evolution of the Shale Hills Critical Zone. Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.
2. Zhang, Y., (November 2015). Landscape evolution modeling of the Shale Hills Critical Zone. Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD.
15. Zhang, Y., J. Rowland, and D. Moulton. (2021). Freshwater-saltwater interaction rising from sea level rise driven coastal marsh evolution. 2021 Delaware Estuary Science & Environmental Summit (virtual) [Oral Presentation]
14. Zhang, Y., J. C. Rowland, C. Xu, P. Wolfram, Z. Cao, M. Marani, A. D’Alpaos, D. Svatsky, & D. Moulton. (2020). Understanding the eco-geomorphologic feedback of coastal marsh under sea level rise: vegetation dynamic schemes, processes interaction, and parametric sensitivity. 2020 Fall Meeting, AGU (virtal). 1-17 Dec. [Poster presentation].
13. Zhang, J., L. Condon, J. Moulton, and Y. Zhang. (2020). Comparison between multiple physical-based hydrologic models in modeling groundwater-surface water interactions in a coastal watershed. 2020 Fall Meeting, AGU (virtal). 1-17 Dec. [Contributed Poster presentation].
12. Pasqualini, D., J. Rowland, D. Svyatsky, P. Wolfram, S. Brus, Y. Zhang, J. Moulton, and R. Bent. (2020). Addressing and Adapting to National Security Implications of a Changing Climate in Coastal Regions. 2020 Fall Meeting, AGU (virtal). 1-17 Dec. [Contributed talk presentation].
11. Svyatskiy, D., C. Xu, J. Rowland, Y. Zhang, and J. Moulton. (2020). Coupled modeling of the interplay between dynamic vegetation and integrated hydrology in the coastal environment. 2020 Fall Meeting, AGU (virtal). 1-17 Dec. [Contributed Poster presentation].
10. Zhang, Y., W. Li, J. Rowland, G. Sun, and J. King. (2019). Assessing the hydrologic resilience of coastal wetlands at the Southeastern US under climate disturbances: the critical role of regional-scale hydrologic interaction. 2019 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco DC, USA, 9-13 Dec. [Poster presentation].
9. Zhang, Y., W. Li, G. Sun, and J. King. (2018). Wetland hydrologic resilience to climate variability: a case study at a coastal wetland of North Carolina, USA, 2018 Fall Meeting, AGU, Washington DC, USA, 10-14 Dec. [Poster presentation].
8. Zhang, Y., W. Li, G. Sun, G. Miao, A. Noormate, & J. King. (2017). Understanding coastal wetland hydrology with a new regional scale process-based hydrologic model, 2017 Fall Meeting, AGU, New Orleans, LA, 12-16 Dec. [Poster presentation].
7. Zhang, Y., R. Slingerland, C. Duffy. (2016). Geomorphic equilibrium and the spatial variation of the geomorphic diffusivity at the Susquehanna Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory, 2016 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, CA, 12-16 Dec. [Poster presentation].
6. Zhang, Y., R. Slingerland, C. Duffy, N. West, and Y. Shi. (2015). Water-regolith-energy Interaction in Landscape Evolution and Its Influence on Forming Asymmetric Landscape: An Example from the Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory of Central Pennsylvania, 2015 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, CA, 14-18 Dec. [Oral presentation].
5. Zhang, Y., and R. Slingerland. (2014). Groundwater As A Graver: An Insight of Its effect on Sediment Transport and Landscape Evolution, 19th International Sedimentological Congress, Geneva, Switzerland, 18 – 22 August. [Poster presentation].
4. Zhang, Y., R. Slingerland, C. Duffy. (2013). A New Hydrologic-Morphodynamic Model for Regolith Formation and Landscape Evolution, 2013 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, CA, 9-13 Dec. [Poster presentation].
3. Zhang, Y., and R. Slingerland. (2012). Identification of Tree-throw Event from High-resolution Topographic Data (Lidar), Graduate Exhibition, Pennsylvania State University, PA, USA, March. [Poster presentation].
2. Zhang, Y., and S. Yang. (2010). Predicting Environmental Flow of Ungauged Basin of Central Asia from Distributed Hydrological Model and Multi-scale Remote Sensed data, PUB 2010, China, Dec. [Oral presentation].
1. Wang, Y., S. Yang, Y. Zhang (2009). Land use change and its influence on the regional ecological water use in Sanmenxia area of Yellow River, The 4th International Yellow River Forum. [Contributed talk].
Peer-reviewed journal articles
14. Zhang, Y., J. Rowland, C. Xu, Phillip J. Wolfram, Z. Cao, M. Marani, A. D’Alpaos, D. Svatsky, & D. Moulton. (2020). Understanding the eco-geomorphologic feedback of coastal marsh under sea level rise: vegetation dynamic schemes, processes interaction, and parametric sensitivity. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface. doi: 10.1029/2020JE006531.
13. Cao, Z., P. Wolfram, J. Rowland, Y. Zhang, and D. Pasqualini. (2020). A Data-driven Approach to Predict Sediment Settling Velocity. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. 146 (10), 04020067
12. Guo, L., W. Tao, B. Fan, I. Hopkins, Y. Zhang, Q. Wang, & H. Lin. (2020). Soil micro-climate variation in relation to slope aspect, position, and curvature in a forested catchment. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, v290, 107999
11. Hanson, P., A. Stillman, X. Jia, Y. Zhang, A. Karpatne, H. Dugan, and J. Read. (2020). Predicting lake surface water phosphorus dynamics using process-guided machine learning. Ecological Modeling. 430, 109136
10. Ladwig, R., P. Hanson, H. Dugan, C. Carey, Y. Zhang, L. Shu, and C. Duffy. (2020). Lake thermal structure drives inter-annual variability in summer anoxia dynamics in a eutrophic lake over 37 years. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. 1-45
9. Zhang, Y., W. Li, G. Sun, & J. King. (2019). Coastal Wetland Resilience to Climate Variability: A Hydrological Perspective. Journal of Hydrology. 568, 275-284
8. Zhang, Y., W. Li, G. Sun, G. Miao, A. Noormate, & J. King. (2018). Understanding coastal wetland hydrology with a new regional-scale, process-based hydrological model. Hydrological Processes. 32:3158–3173.
7. Ward, N., L. Fitchett, JA. Hart, L. Shu, J. Stachelek, W. Weng, Y. Zhang, H. Dugan et al. (2018). Integrating fast and slow processes is essential for simulating human–freshwater interactions. Ambio. 1-14.
6. Cobourn, K. M., C. C. Carey, K. J. Boyle, C. Duffy, H. A. Dugan, K. J. Farrell, A. R. Kemanian, L. G. Rudstam, L. Shu, K. C. Weathers, .... and Y. Zhang (alphabet order). (2018). From concept to practice to policy: modeling coupled natural and human systems in lake catchments. Ecosphere 9(5):e02209.
5. Zhu, J., G. Sun, W. Li, Y. Zhang, G. Miao, A. Noormets, & X. Wang. (2017). Modeling the Potential Impacts of Climate Change on the Hydrology of Selected Forested Wetlands in the Southeastern United States. Hydrology and Earth System Science, 21(12): 6289-6305.
4. Zhang, Y., R. Slingerland, and C. Duffy. (2016). Fully-coupled hydrologic processes for modeling landscape evolution, Environmental Modelling & Software, 82:89-107.
3. Yu, X., C. Duffy, Y. Zhang, G Bhatt, and Y Shi. (2016). Virtual experiments guide calibration strategies for a real watershed application of coupled surface-subsurface modeling, Journal of Hydrologic Engineering. 21(11): 1-11
2. Zhang, Y., S. Yang, W. Ouyang, H. Zeng, M. Cai. (2010). Applying multi-source remote sensing data on estimating ecological water requirement of grassland in ungauged region. Procedia Environmental Sciences, 2:953-963.
1. Zeng, H., S. Yang, Y. Gao, H. Ma, D. Zheng, Y. Zhang. (2008). Soil Erosion Analysis of Beichuan County after Earthquake Based on Coupling Model of Repository and Spatial Information, Journal of Remote Sensing, 12(6):908-916.
Peer-reviewed journal articles – Under review
1. Zhang, Y., R. Slingerland, C. Duffy, N. West, & H. Li. (under review). Spatial Variation of Morphological Diffusivity: An Insight into Landscape Asymmetry of Susquehanna Shale Hills Critical Zone, Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface.
2. Liu, B., X. Yu, Z. Xu, D. Moraetis, N. Nikolaidis, F. Schwartz, Y. Zhang, L. Shu, and C. Duffy. (under review). Coupled surface-subsurface flow modeling of fresh groundwater discharge to regional coasts. Advances in Water Resources.
In preparation
Zhang, Y., C. Duffy, L. Shu, & G. Bhatt. (in prep). Characterizing the seasonal and interannual variation of the catchment-lake hydrologic connectivity in a North Template Lake-catchment system with a coupled surface-subsurface land-lake model
Zhang, Y., R. Slingerland, C. Duffy, T. White, & Y. Shi. (in prep). Water-regolith-energy Interaction in Landscape Evolution and Its Influence on Forming Asymmetric Landscape: An Example from the Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory of Central Pennsylvania.
1. Zhang, Y., (March 2016). Fully-coupled hydrological processes for modeling the landscape evolution of the Shale Hills Critical Zone. Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.
2. Zhang, Y., (November 2015). Landscape evolution modeling of the Shale Hills Critical Zone. Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD.
15. Zhang, Y., J. Rowland, and D. Moulton. (2021). Freshwater-saltwater interaction rising from sea level rise driven coastal marsh evolution. 2021 Delaware Estuary Science & Environmental Summit (virtual) [Oral Presentation]
14. Zhang, Y., J. C. Rowland, C. Xu, P. Wolfram, Z. Cao, M. Marani, A. D’Alpaos, D. Svatsky, & D. Moulton. (2020). Understanding the eco-geomorphologic feedback of coastal marsh under sea level rise: vegetation dynamic schemes, processes interaction, and parametric sensitivity. 2020 Fall Meeting, AGU (virtal). 1-17 Dec. [Poster presentation].
13. Zhang, J., L. Condon, J. Moulton, and Y. Zhang. (2020). Comparison between multiple physical-based hydrologic models in modeling groundwater-surface water interactions in a coastal watershed. 2020 Fall Meeting, AGU (virtal). 1-17 Dec. [Contributed Poster presentation].
12. Pasqualini, D., J. Rowland, D. Svyatsky, P. Wolfram, S. Brus, Y. Zhang, J. Moulton, and R. Bent. (2020). Addressing and Adapting to National Security Implications of a Changing Climate in Coastal Regions. 2020 Fall Meeting, AGU (virtal). 1-17 Dec. [Contributed talk presentation].
11. Svyatskiy, D., C. Xu, J. Rowland, Y. Zhang, and J. Moulton. (2020). Coupled modeling of the interplay between dynamic vegetation and integrated hydrology in the coastal environment. 2020 Fall Meeting, AGU (virtal). 1-17 Dec. [Contributed Poster presentation].
10. Zhang, Y., W. Li, J. Rowland, G. Sun, and J. King. (2019). Assessing the hydrologic resilience of coastal wetlands at the Southeastern US under climate disturbances: the critical role of regional-scale hydrologic interaction. 2019 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco DC, USA, 9-13 Dec. [Poster presentation].
9. Zhang, Y., W. Li, G. Sun, and J. King. (2018). Wetland hydrologic resilience to climate variability: a case study at a coastal wetland of North Carolina, USA, 2018 Fall Meeting, AGU, Washington DC, USA, 10-14 Dec. [Poster presentation].
8. Zhang, Y., W. Li, G. Sun, G. Miao, A. Noormate, & J. King. (2017). Understanding coastal wetland hydrology with a new regional scale process-based hydrologic model, 2017 Fall Meeting, AGU, New Orleans, LA, 12-16 Dec. [Poster presentation].
7. Zhang, Y., R. Slingerland, C. Duffy. (2016). Geomorphic equilibrium and the spatial variation of the geomorphic diffusivity at the Susquehanna Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory, 2016 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, CA, 12-16 Dec. [Poster presentation].
6. Zhang, Y., R. Slingerland, C. Duffy, N. West, and Y. Shi. (2015). Water-regolith-energy Interaction in Landscape Evolution and Its Influence on Forming Asymmetric Landscape: An Example from the Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory of Central Pennsylvania, 2015 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, CA, 14-18 Dec. [Oral presentation].
5. Zhang, Y., and R. Slingerland. (2014). Groundwater As A Graver: An Insight of Its effect on Sediment Transport and Landscape Evolution, 19th International Sedimentological Congress, Geneva, Switzerland, 18 – 22 August. [Poster presentation].
4. Zhang, Y., R. Slingerland, C. Duffy. (2013). A New Hydrologic-Morphodynamic Model for Regolith Formation and Landscape Evolution, 2013 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, CA, 9-13 Dec. [Poster presentation].
3. Zhang, Y., and R. Slingerland. (2012). Identification of Tree-throw Event from High-resolution Topographic Data (Lidar), Graduate Exhibition, Pennsylvania State University, PA, USA, March. [Poster presentation].
2. Zhang, Y., and S. Yang. (2010). Predicting Environmental Flow of Ungauged Basin of Central Asia from Distributed Hydrological Model and Multi-scale Remote Sensed data, PUB 2010, China, Dec. [Oral presentation].
1. Wang, Y., S. Yang, Y. Zhang (2009). Land use change and its influence on the regional ecological water use in Sanmenxia area of Yellow River, The 4th International Yellow River Forum. [Contributed talk].