Welcome to Yu Zhang's personal website!
I am currently a Research Scientist in the Earth and Environmental Sciences Division at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL). My research interest lies in the field of understanding the co-evolution of hydrology and geomorphology of (1) coastal wetland ecosystems and (2) Earth’s critical zone: specifically, their dynamics, feedbacks, and resilience under climatic (e.g., sea-level rise, hurricane, storms, and drought) and human-induced (e.g., land-use change) disturbances. In particular, I am interested in understanding how the hydrological interactions between surface and subsurface and between land and ocean under disturbances give rise to the change of hydrological characteristics and associated eco-geomorphological feedbacks (e.g., vegetation dynamics, sediment transport, soil production due to bedrock weathering) and how the eco-geomorphological change, in turn, affects the hydrological characteristics at multiple temporal and spatial scales.
Quick links to the hydrologic and geomorphologic models and tools for hydro-geomorphological modeling