My research interest lies in the field of understanding the hydrology and geomorphology of coastal wetland ecosystems: their dynamics, feedbacks, and resilience under climatic (e.g., sea level rise, hurricane, storms, and drought) and human-induced (e.g., land use change) disturbances. In particular, I am interested in understanding how the hydrological interactions between land and ocean/lake under disturbances give rise to the change of hydrological characteristics and associated eco-geomorphological feedbacks of coastal wetlands at multiple temporal and spatial scales. My research follows three main themes:
1) coastal wetland hydrology and hydrologic interaction
2) coastal sediment transport and landscape evolution of coastal wetlands
3) the resilience and adaptation of coastal systems to climate- and human-induced disturbances.
I am using a combined approach of theory, numerical model, field measurement, and remote sensing observations to seek a quantitative understanding of the physical processes that influence the hydrology and geomorphology of landscapes.
1) coastal wetland hydrology and hydrologic interaction
2) coastal sediment transport and landscape evolution of coastal wetlands
3) the resilience and adaptation of coastal systems to climate- and human-induced disturbances.
I am using a combined approach of theory, numerical model, field measurement, and remote sensing observations to seek a quantitative understanding of the physical processes that influence the hydrology and geomorphology of landscapes.
Coastal Wetland Hydrology and Hydrologic Interaction
Coastal Sediment Transport and Landscape Evolution of Coastal Wetlands
The Resilience and Adaptation of Coastal Systems to Disturbances